In order to achieve a good mark in the "performance as a whole section" of an ABRSM Performance exam, one needs to have effective sequence and pacing, meeting the technical and interpretive demands of the chosen programme. To really showcase your performing skills your programme should include a range of styles and periods and try to alternate moods between pieces to create an interesting programme to listen to. With that in mind I would choose the following four pieces from the new ABRSM Grade 2 book 2023 - 2024
· Gavotte in F by Dussek: a classical piece with hints of the Baroque era allowing you to display your technical ability
· Kangding Love Song: A traditional Chinese melody in a calmer mood to demonstrate your expressive playing, and ability to voice melody over accompaniment
· Mozzie by Elissa Milne: This one will show your rhythmic control with it's modern beats
· Forget me not Waltz by Stephen Druro: Another slower piece, a delicate waltz to provide a good contrast to the previous piece and at the same time demonstrate your ability again to voice melody over the accompaniment
Have a listen......
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