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Exclusive Benefits 
Members of MusicOnline UK

The fact that you are here means you are interested in YOUR Musical Education. Now is the time to take it to the next level,  by becoming a TOP SUBSCRIBER of MusicOnline UK

As a BRONZE SUBSCRIBER you will get all this:

  • Patron-only content feed (Premium Aural Training Videos) 

  • £2/hr discount on Skype lessons

  • Monthly MEMBERS ONLY AURAL CLUB Skype Lesson

  • Access to our exclusive MEMBERS only WhatsApp group

  • Android App Music Theory Pro

  • E book - Easy Piano Tutor

  • E book - How to get a Distinction at ABRSM

  • Feature Your Channel on our YouTube Channel (if desired)

  • Theory Worksheets

All this for only £1.99 a month


For those really wanting to take their music education to the next level.  This is basically the same as the BRONZE SUBSCRIBER TIER, all above benefits included 


  • £4/hr discount on Skype lessons. 

  • Weekly AURAL CLUB Skype Lessons

  • Free copy of Sight Reading Trainer eBook

  • Free set of complete Aural tests for each Grade

additionally get ...

  • 60 minutes of SKYPE lessons per month or
  • Complete Online Exam Assessment or
  • Four appraisals requests per month (performance appraisal/marking theory paper).   
or a mixture of both skype lesson minutes and written appraisals. If you require more minutes per month simply adjust your pledge amount proportionately. *Note that, to mix extra appraisal requests with live Skype lessons - one appraisal is equivalent to 15 minutes of Skype lesson time, so for example, on the Gold level you could have 2 appraisals and 30 minutes of lessons, Any unused minutes will carry forward into the next month..

Click HERE for more info


  1. I have subscribed to your blog.
    But I am unable to locate the "SUBSCRIBERS ONLY" page on your blog.
    Kindly assist in this regard.

  2. If you can send an email to I'll send you the link. Obviously I can't post it here publicly

  3. LOLmasrer2234:
    I officially hate myself for missing these streams now. Seriously....

    1. Do you have the "Notification Bell" activated on the MusicOnline UK Youtube channel subscription. Also, if you join the Whatsapp group, you'll get extra notifications there as well as on our facebook page.

  4. LOLmaster2234:
    I official y HATE myself for missing out.


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