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The Wind - Grade 1 Piano

Teaching Notes

Although this piece is quite fast, there should be a smoothness about it to mimic the effect of the wind. The composer instructs us to play in a gusting manner. This type of wind is not just a steady stream, but there are moments when it is more powerful and then later, not so much. With this in mind, pay careful attention to the dynamics to add shape to your melody.

For Grade 1, the pedalling is quite advanced. Where there is a  "/\" shape in the pedal marking, you should lift the pedal exactly with the note this "/\" is under, replacing the pedal just after. There are other places where the symbol resembles a backwards "L" shape, _____|  signifying to bring the pedal off just before the next note, such as between bars 2 and 3. This again mimics the unpredictable surges of the gusting winds that then suddenly abate. Sometimes there is even a comma sign in the air, for example after bar 4. These are breaths, and along with the slightly earlier pedal release, they will produce a slight break in the sound.

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