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Berry's Smoothie - Grade 1 ABRSM Piano

Teaching Notes

The instruction "driving" denotes that your performance needs to have forward momentum with a very steady left hand bass line. The accents in the first bar, continue for all LH crotchets throughout the piece as shown by the abbreviation "sim" (short for simile = in the same manner) in the 2nd bar.

There are also accents in the RH in bars 3, 7 and 11 that are used to emphasise the off beat/syncopated nature of the melody.

Despite the accents at the beginning in the LH, don't start too loud so as to leave room for the louder finale at the end of bar 12. 

Aside from the accents, also pay close attention to staccato dots and slurs. The ends of slurs require particular care. For example in bars 2, 6, 10, 16, the last note of the slurred groups should be released immediately as if like another staccato, even though there is no staccato dot there. You will notice that in the first three examples (bars 2, 6 and 10) the next note after the quaver rest is accented and the act of lifting your hand at the end of the slur will enable you to play an accent simply with the weight of the hand falling onto the next note.

Make sure there is no slowing down at the end before the final octave lower LH "G". 

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