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A Song of Erin - Grade 1 Piano

Teaching Notes

This piece needs a delicate balance of being not too slow, but at the same time thoughtful and pensive. The initial instruction "Andante con moto" tells us to play at a medium walking pace but with some movement. Then again in the first bar there is another instruction "dolce", to play sweetly. 

Another area where care is needed is the exact length of notes. It would be very easy for many of the notes to linger over into places where rests are marked:
  • Bar 2 - release LH on the 3rd beat
  • Bar 4 - release LH on the 2nd beat
  • Bar 6 - release LH on the 3rd beat
  • Bar 7 - release LH on the 3rd beat
  • Bar 9 - release RH on the 4th beat
  • Bar 11 - release LH on the 3rd beat
  • Bar 12 - release RH on the 3rd beat
  • Bar 14 - release LH on the 3rd beat
  • Bar 15 - release LH on the 3rd beat
This piece should also have a singing like quality to it, with "breaths", slight lifts between the phrases. The best way to work out where this is needed is to literally try to sing the tune and see where you have to breath. One obvious place would be the "mf" in bar 10.

Watch the "poco rit" at the end, easing off tempo and also volume as this rather melancholy song comes to an end.

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