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Lesson 4.13 - Grade 4 Musical Terms (Italian and French)

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Music Theory Terms and Signs

Here is a list of all the terms and signs needed for Grade 4 Theory. The answers are hidden but you can reveal them simply by holding the left mouse button while dragging it across the space next to each term. On mobile devices just tap and hold the screen next to each term.

Italian Terms

affettuoso tenderly
affrettando hurrying
amabile amiable, pleasant
appassionato with passion
calando getting softer, dying away
cantando singing
come as, similar to
facile easy
fuoco fire
giusto proper, exact (tempo giusto – in strict time)
l’istesso the same (l’istesso tempo – the same speed)
morendo dying away
niente nothing
nobilmente nobly
perdendosi dying away
possibile as possible 
quasi as if, resembling
sonoro resonant, with rich tone
sopra above
sotto below 
veloce swift
voce voice

French Terms

à to, at
animé animated, lively
assez enough, sufficient
avec with
cédez yield, relax the speed
douce sweet
en dehors prominent 
et and
légèrement lightly
lent slow
mais but
moins less
modéré at a moderate speed
non not
peu little
plus more
presser hurry 
ralentir slow down
retenu held back 
sans without
très very
un / une one
vif lively
vite quick

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