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Lesson 2.7 - Grouping of Rests.

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As with the grouping of notes, rests should usually be grouped,
 "a beat at a time". 

Look at the following examples for some of the time signatures you should know. ( / = indicates the position of the beats.)

You'll notice that every new beat needs to start with a new rest. For example, in the sixth bar, the two semiquaver rests need to written separately and cannot be combined into a single quaver rest because they belong to different beats.

The only exceptions to the rule are:
a) A whole bar of rest in any of the time signatures covered so far
always gets a semibreve rest.

b) The first half or second half of a 4/4 bar (but not the two middle beats) can be replaced by a minim rest.

So... these three bars would be correct

But this bar would be incorrect

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